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Teacher Training Courses


Na Cultura Inglesa o aluno aprende o inglês prático e desenvolve as habilidades necessárias para a comunicação: escrita, leitura, expressão e compreensão orais. Tudo isto é possível com o apoio de uma tecnologia de ponta e com o ensino e acompanhamento de uma equipe com professores altamente qualificados e certificados pelos exames da Universidade de Cambridge, com sólida formação pedagógica e ótima metodologia de ensino.

Professional Development Courses for Teachers

Pronunciation Course

This course aims at giving teachers an opportunity to develop both their teaching of pronunciation as well as their own pronunciation of English.
Dear teacher, improve your students’ and your own Pronunciation. A 7.5 hour-course especially for teachers by Cultura Inglesa

5 meetings of 1 hour and 30 min each
Starting from:
05th March, 2021 (Friday)

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Classroom Management & Classroom Language

The use of effective techniques to manage a class and establish a productive learning enviroment. Helping students acquire and use routine language on regular basis.

2 meetings of 1 hour and 15 minutes each

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Teaching Lexically

Whats’s the Lexical Approach? How can we put it into practice in the classroom?

2 meetings of 1 hour and 15 minutes each

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TKT + Pre Service

Preparation course for the three modules of TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test) Cambrige English. This TKT preparation includes a pre service course with micro and macro teaching opportunities. Teachers receibe a globally recongnised certificate for each TKT module (Cambridge fee not included) and also Cultura Inglesa Pre Service Certificate.

3 modules: 2 semesters – weekly meetings of 2 hour and 30 min each

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This course aims at preparing teachers for the CLIL classroom by familiarizing them with theory and practice. Considering that one of the pillars of CLIL is Vygostky’s theory of learning through interaction, we can say that CLIL has a lot to do with BNCC (Base Nactional Curricular Comum). Teachers in this course will also have the opportunity to familiarize with different materials which are not only based on CLIL but also be prepared for the Cambridge TKT CLIL module test. (Valor da prova não incluso)

1 semester: weekly meetings of 2 hours and 30 min each

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Lesson Observation for Development

Individual support – 3 cycles of lesson observation three stages each:
– Pre-lesson discussion – 50 minutess
– Lesson observation – 60 minutes
– Feedback/pos-lesson discussion – 50 minutes

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Language Development for Teachers

A four-month course aiming at helping teachers improve their own language.

Weekly meetings of 1 hour and 15 min each

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How to get your students prepared for Cambridge Exams

  • Young Learners exams: Starters and Movers
    During the course, teachers will get to know the different parts of these exams and also learn some strategies for the completion of each exam task to better prepare students for Starters and Movers.
    2 meetings of 1 hour and 15 min each

  • Key and Preliminary
    During the course, teachers will get to know the different parts of these exams and also learn some strategies for the completion of each exam task to better prepare students for KET and PET Exams.
    2 meetings of 1 hour and 15 min each
  • First
    During the course, teachers will get to know the different parts of these exams and also learn some strategies for the completion of each exam task to better prepare students for FCE Exam.
    2 meetings of 1 hour and 30 min each

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Teaching Kids

Teaching tips and classroom management aspects focusing on 6-12 year-old learners.

2 meetings of 1 hour and 15 min each

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Making review activities more meaningful and enjoyable:

Practical ideas to integrate easily usable digital tools and resources into regular review activities.

2 meetings of 1 hour and 15 min each

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Tradicional encontro de professores

Promovido pela Cultura Inglesa

22nd Workshop for teachers of English
Setembro de 2021 (Mais informações em breve)